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A Recap of the Discussion with the “Hive” Team
We would like to thank you all for participating in the virtual discussion with the producers, director, and actors of the movie “Hive”. This discussion brilliantly

Support Global Albanians Foundation by shopping for your loved ones
Did you know that you can generate donations while shopping for your valentine, at no extra cost? Simply start your shopping at to confirm “Global Albanians

Financial Statements – 2019/2020
Income and Expenses Statement 2019 and 2020Balance Sheet as of January 4, 2021

Save the Date
GERMIN – one of the leading nonprofit on Albanian Diaspora Engagement – is hosting its second global diaspora conference in partnership with the Global Albanians Foundation (GAF). This year’s

Phase 2 Application Form: Project Proposals for Earthquake Relief
Primary Evaluation Criteria This call for proposals is open to (i) nongovernmental organizations; (ii) municipalities and communes; (iii) universities and educational institutions and (iv) private

Newsletter: Earthquake Relief Efforts
Together with our partners and donors, we have raised $215,922.93 to help alleviate the situation created after the disastrous Earthquake that hit Albania in November of 2019.

The Albanian Diaspora Vote: Infusing Democracy in Albania
Diaspora Voting is Critical for Albania’s Future Democratic countries have political institutions that reflect the will of their citizens, and not the will of political

Be a Global Albanian Unselfie*
Volunteer to Start a Fundraiser for Emergency COVID Relief on Tuesday May 5th *Unselfie = Caring and Empathetic Person. If that’s You, We Want You. Global

Important Announcement
We are happy to announce the first grants for Earthquake Relief from the Global Albanians Foundation for a total of $61,541. Implementation will begin in

“Pse ktheheni në Kosovë”?
Si çdo verë, nga ardhja e shumë mërgimtarëve atmosfera në Kosovë është më gjallëruese. Kjo përshkak të dashurisë së shumë pjesëtarëve nga Diaspora të cilët

Germin nënshkruan memorandum bashkëpunimi me Komunën e Prizrenit në fushën e Diasporës
Me datë 29.01.2019, organizata Germin dhe Komuna e Prizrenit nënshkruan memorandum bashkëpunimi për realizimin e projektit të “Bashkë-Investimeve dhe Rrjetëzimit”. Përmes këtij partneriteti, Germin dhe