Upcoming GAF Activities, New Staff/Interns, and GAF Golf Tournament
Spring is approaching and with it many activities of the Global Albanians Foundation. In this email you will be able to read about future GAF activities, new staff / interns and GAF Golf Tournament.
Upcoming Activities
We expect to launch several crowdfunding campaigns for Albanian NGOs in Albania and Kosova that support Albanian youth in both countries, and have reviewed over 10 proposals so far — all NGOs are invited to apply to use the GAF crowdfunding platform.

We are continuing our work with Germin to design and implement OriginAL which will bring at least 50 young Albanians to Albania and Kosova this summer for a cultural, educational, and volunteer experience — so far we have raised around $70,000. Read more here.

New Staff and Interns
The GAF is happy to announce that Egli Sakej will be working to support GAF efforts in Albania. He completed his studies in economics at Riinvest College. Egli has quality and productive managerial experience in the private sector but is a policy and communication enthusiast.Through a UNICEF Program to promote youth employment in Kosova GAF will be employing three interns for three months each beginning in March — then list the three positions. Internships will be paid.The open internships positions are as follows: Social Media/OriginAL Program Support, Web Development/Programming, Video-animator/Graphic Design. To understand more about these open positions read

GAF Golf Tournament May 9 The GAF is proud to announce its first annual golf tournament fundraiser on May 9th at the Ipswich Country Club just outside of Boston. We invite all of you to come and play golf or to come to the post-golf dinner party and have an enjoyable and fun time with new and old friends, and to support our efforts to help Albanian not-for-profit organizations. You can find all of the information and register at this link